Friday, February 23, 2018

Analyzing CNNs "Deadliest Mass Shootings in Modern US History Fast Facts" - What They Left Out

In as much as CNN is leading that charge for as much gun control as possible, and they published the "facts" - I thought it important to dig a bit deeper.  So, an evening research later, I'm ready to give you "the rest of the story".

The Most Common Thing These Shootings Have In Common?  Gun Free Zones!

Note that 88% of these shootings took place in gun free zones.  I defined gun free zones simply - it the average person could first obtain a permit, and then legally carry in that location it is not a gun free zone.  I was able to absolutely prove that 61% were gun free zones and another 27% took place in places where firearms almost certainly were banned, such as corporate workplaces.  The few incidents not in gun free zones took place, for the most part, in homes.  I wonder why CNN did not tell us this?  Could it be that it does not fit their agenda?

After Gun Free Zones The Next Most Common Factor Is Mental Illness

I was able to establish the 56% of these mass murderers had clear and significant indications of severe mental illness.  This could be a suicide attempt, treatment for mental illness, very clear signs that others noted, or a court determination of mental illness.  The actual figure could be higher.

So, when we look at all the facts, we see that two things the NRA and Pres. Trump have been pushing - better mental health treatment/detection and and end to gun free zones appear to have merit.

So, How Did They Get Their Guns?

While a clear majority of firearms were obtained legally, nearly 1/3 were obtained illegally.  In several cases the owners were murdered in order to take their guns, in others, they were simply stolen.  However, in majority of these cases, the firearms were purchased illegally through legal channels or were not disposed of when the shooter became prohibited.  Clearly this must also be dealt with.

Next, There Is The Issue Of  Their Weapons

The most common weapon in these murders is actually multiple kinds of weapons.  In every case, this included handguns - about evenly paired with shotguns or rifles.  Close behind are handguns (one or more).  Semi-auto rifles only total 19% or about 40% if we include those counted with "Mixed Weapons".

I think it is worth mentioning that of all the weapons listed, shotguns are the most devastating at the close ranges typical in this incidents.  Someone armed with pistols and a shotgun can and has done more damage than someone with a rifle.  The idea that by eliminating one kind of firearm (if that were even possible - which it isn't) we can end these shootings quite simply ignores the facts.

What Else Did CNN Leave Out?

The answer to that question is, "Quite a bit."

Notice how they describe the fate of the Sutherland Springs mass murderer, "The shooter, identified by two law enforcement sources as ----- ------- ---------, is found dead after a brief chase, but it's unclear if it was self-inflicted."  Notice that there is not even a hint of the fact that this shooting was stopped by an armed citizen with an AR15 - nor that the people doing the chasing were civilians.  There is no question in my mind that this was deliberate bias.

Then there is the failure to mention that at least two of these attacks, including the one with the 2nd highest death toll (the Pulse Nightclub attack) were acts of terrorism carried out on behalf of radical Islamic groups.  This is significant because, in other nations, gun control laws have proven useless in stopping such people from obtaining military grade, fully automatic firearms.  There is no indication that they would be any more effective here.
In every case where the attacker obtained his firearms by murdering the owners, CNN omits this fact.  This is important, because it is unlikely that any gun law could have stopped these killers from obtaining guns in this way.  In one of these cases, the firearms were stolen from a relative who was a law enforcement officer.

The fact that two of these attacks - the Parkland High School attack and the attack with the 2nd highest death toll - the Pulse nightclub attack - both involved police breaking the #1 rule of stopping these incidents: All officers enter the building and engage the shooter as soon as they arrive.  Could there have been good reasons why they did not do so?  Absolutely - but delays cost lives.

1) Gun free zones certainly provide no security whatsoever - and likely increase the risk for people within them.  Whenever possible, we should create the impression that potential targets have many armed persons within them.

2) The failure of our mental health system (which includes police officers and others empowered to require people to be assessed against their will) is a huge factor in the ability of these killers to obtain weapons through legal channels.

3) The failure of states and federal agencies to report prohibited persons to the FBI background check database has enabled several mass shooters to purchase firearms illegally through legal channels.

4) While most of these murderers obtained their firearms legally, 30% obtained them illegally.  This presents a huge obstacle to any gun law.  Not only can people with evil intent buy firearms on the black market, 3D printing technology already allows the "printing" of simple firearms and will soon allow for the production of much more sophisticated guns.  In nations with very strict gun laws, illegal manufacture is a huge problem.  It will only get worse as technology progresses.

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