Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Simple Fact: There Are Many, Many More Pro-Gun Rights Women Than There Are Women In The Anti-Gun Rights Movement.

Among the many, many things the mainstream media chooses to ignore is the fact that the number of women who are part of the "gun culture" is exploding - and they far outnumber the number of women involved in the Michael Bloomberg anti-gun rights organizations.

Consider just one aspect of the gun culture: Licensed concealed carry.  A recent article in the Washington Examiner contains a great deal of information on this subject.  First, the number of current permits now exceeds 16 million.  Additionally, we learn that in the 14 states that have gender data available, women comprise 36% of license holders.  Extrapolating that percentage to the nationwide total of 16 million, we can conclude that about 6 million American women are licensed to carry.

My personal experience bears this out.  When my wife and I recently taught a rifle class sponsored by our church.  The students were split 50-50 between men and women.  The two best students?  Both women.

Olympian Julie Golob was elected to the
NRA Board of Directors this year - Women
Have twice served as NRA president.
Then there is the group that anti-gun rights groups love to hate: The NRA.  Most Americans likely do not know that the NRA has elected a woman president - twice!  This is not surprising, given that 40% of NRA members are women.  If the NRA has 4.5 million members (a conservative estimate given that membership is spiking and the NRA claimed 5 million members last year), then the number of women who belong to the NRA is at least 1.8 million.

Finally there is the issue how many people support the NRA, but are not members.  this number is considerable.  Pew Research did a survey last year, which revealed that 14 million Americans self-identify as NRA members.  Of course, many more are supporters, but let's just use that 14 million number as representing the number of people, including members, who are supportive of the NRA.  These folks may have been members, they may contribute without being members (yes, people do that), or they may just be supportive of the NRA's positions.  Applying that 40% figure, to the 14 million number for Pew Research we get a figure of 5.6 Million women who support the NRA.

So, to summarize:

1.8+ million women belong to the NRA

5.6+ million women support the NRA
6 million women are licensed to carry

How does this compare to Bloomberg's "Moms Demand Action"?  According to this article, they now claim only 200.000 members, in spite of giving away memberships for free.

So, it really is simple: More women are committed to supporting gun rights than are committed to destroying them.

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